What is Workplace Bullying?
Bullying does not always stop when you graduate from school. Sometimes it follows you to your working life. Workplace bullying may involve verbal, physical, social or psychological abuse by your employer or a colleague. It can happen to anyone, including volunteers, work experience students, interns, apprentices, casual and permanent employees.
Some work bullying acts are considered criminal offences. You should get in touch with a workplace lawyer or a legal expert in case you are being abused in any way at work.
Forms of Workplace Bullying
If a workmate or a superior repeatedly uses hurtful remarks or attacks you, then it is considered as bullying. The remarks may involve making fun of your work, your personality, your family, sex, sexuality, gender identity, race or culture, education or economic background.
If you are excluded from working with people or in participating in activities related to your work, then this may mean that you are being alienated in your workplace. This may also mean that your workmates are ganging up on you. Doing so is a form of psychological harassment.
Another form of workplace bullying is intimidation. This is when a workmate or a superior is making you feel undervalued and inferior to them. It may involve giving you pointless tasks that are not related to your actual work. On the contrary, a work bully may give you impossible jobs while giving you an unreasonable deadline.
If your workmates or your manager are deliberately changing your work schedule or purposely denying you of work leave to make things difficult for you, then chances are you are being bullied.
Workplace bullying can also get physical. Some examples of physical bullying include pushing, shoving, tripping, grabbing, attacking or threatening you. These are some examples that do not comply with the workplace law.
Know the Employer’s Responsibilities
Under the Work Health and Safety and Anti-discrimination Law, it is your employer’s legal responsibility to ensure that you are working in a safe and healthy workplace. This means that your management is in charge of taking care of your health and wellbeing while at work. If your employer is not meeting this responsibility, then legal action must be initiated. You need to go to a workplace lawyer.
What to Do In Case of Workplace Bullying
Being bullied at work is a serious matter, you should get more information about your rights and some legal advice regarding your situation. This is especially true if you have tried complaining to your manager, and the bullying continues. This is a serious offence under workplace law.